Top Five Reasons Trump Doesn’t Want to Run Against Joe Biden

Sasha Stone
10 min readMar 9, 2020


By Sasha Stone and Ryan Adams

The Democrats have their work cut out for them in November. This is no point in sugar-coating it. One term presidents are so rarely voted out when the economy is riding high that it makes our chances about 1–5%. But that was before two things happened. A possible pandemic crashed the stock market and Democrats showed their united strength on Super Tuesday. I’m sure that put fear in the GOP’s bloodstream. It should have. They were counting on the nominee being Bernie. But that plan, at least for now, appears to have collapsed.

When the much-vaunted ‘energized’ youth vote once again failed to show up for Bernie on Super Tuesday, after Jim Clyburn’s powerful endorsement and the endorsement of key Democrats, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, Biden took the lead. What Super Tuesday told us was that voters will turn out not for Bernie as promised, but for one thing and one thing only: to VOTE TRUMP OUT.

2020 can only be a REFERENDUM on Trump. That is what voters want and wha they’ll turn out for.

As Never-Trumper Rick Wilson writes in his book Running Against the Devil:

This presidential race is the ultimate referendum on the politics, character, persona, and actions of a man who has proven himself to us in a thousand awful ways. His enablers and ball-washers spend their lives in a state of constant revisionist panic, lunging from “He didn’t say that” to “He didn’t mean that” to googling “How can I enter the witness protection program?” Trump cannot be shamed. He cannot be embarrassed. He cannot be controlled, and he cannot resist his impulses. Turning this election into a referendum on Trump is a gift for Democrats, not a burden.

Trump’s very survival depends on stopping the Democrats’ fresh burst of momentum, and he’s become increasingly desperate as he sees us mobilize to take back the power he abuses to protect himself. He will keep consolidating that power until it’s virtually insurmountable.

We don’t have time to wait. We don’t have time to argue. We must unite and take him out now. Come hell or high water. I promise you, this is doable but it won’t be easy. We must come together, raise money, volunteer — do what we have never managed to do for decades successfully: unite behind one cause and that cause is to remove a dangerous leader. We are a people run government. It is up to us.

So why is Trump so afraid of Joe Biden? Why did he put his presidency in jeopardy by trying to fabricate dirt on Biden? We know he wants Bernie to be his opponent and has since 2016, but what could Biden represent that so scared Trump he had to work hard to manufacture dirt on Biden?

Here are five reasons why.

ONE) Joe Biden can win Florida and He can win Pennsylvania. And with Just those two states, he’s won the election.

Here is the electoral map if we can just take back Pennsylvania, even without swing states.

But Biden can do better than Bernie Sanders in other states too. It seems clear that Bernie has already thrown Florida away with his pro-Castro, infatuation, but Biden can win there. Make Bernie the Democratic nominee, and forget about Florida, an incredibly important state that we loose right off the bat. Bernie can’t win Arizona either, but Biden stands a good chance. Biden is even competitive in Texas, as he proved when he stomped Bernie there on Super Tuesday. Biden has a pretty good shot at winning North Carolina, and he might win back the states Obama won. But we’ll get to that later. Bottom line, the math and geography couldn’t be simpler: all Joe Biden has to do is win Pennsylvania and Florida and he’s won the election.

Polls right now in PA show a very tight race with both Biden and Sanders faring roughly the same against Trump, and it’s too close for comfort. That’s how things stand now. Biden will easily win the Pennsylvania primary but Bernie and his supporters are doing so much damage to Biden that he will have to work hard there to win broad support in November. At least he won’t have the albatross of abolishing fracking like Bernie Sanders will. If the party platform forces Biden to go for a full ban then we might see Pennsylvania go Trump’s way. But Trump fears Biden and Pennsylvania is one of the reasons why. Joe Biden is FROM Pennsylvania.

It won’t be easy. Not in the least bit. It is going to all hands on deck if we want to save our country from dark forces. We CAN do it but it won’t be a cake walk.

This is how I think the map is likely to look at a minimum if our election is a referendum on Trump:

TWO) Attacks on Joe Biden will backfire.

Any bully knows who you can attack and who you can’t attack. Trump attacks everyone — disabled reporters, migrants, women, war heroes. He does it to show that he CAN do it. He does it to intimidate everyone else, like all schoolyard bullies do. And he does it because his deplorables LOVE it. They love watching him poke holes in political correctness (tm) and they love that he drives the “libs” insane. Liberal tears are as pure as spring water, but MAGA mobs get sloppy drunk on ’em anyway.

But for a low-class thug like Trump, Joe Biden wears a bully proof vest. Biden, like John McCain, is well-regarded by most DC politicians on both sides of the aisle. He’s been in government a very long time, always comporting himself with honor, fairness, and dignity.

He’s also seen — and we’ve watched him endure — more personal tragedy than most any other public figure. He lost his wife and young daughter at the same time he was sworn in as Senator. He lost his beloved son Beau to brain cancer and his best buddy McCain to the same disease. Biden is a good and loyal man who has had a long distinguished career of ups and downs. He’s physically warm and affectionate which freaks out many of the new wave of women who suspect every man’s touch is inappropriate and every hug is a prelude to sexual assault. We can’t do anything about that attitude but there’s one thing we do know: Trump can’t say SQUAT about any of it, considering that he, unlike Biden, has actually been accused of blatant sexual assault and even rape.

I think deep-down Trump has a grudging respect for Biden, because nearly everyone likes Joe Biden — discounting the flattened, dull-eyed, soulless collective of social media where famous people aren’t human; they’re just fodder for hashtags and trending topics. There is a cartoon version of Biden that’s been concocted that many believe is the real guy. But if you know him, you like him. If you’ve met him, you trust him. He looks you in the eye, he doesn’t make you nervous and he’s kindhearted. In short, that’s a disaster for the blustering know-nothing predatory “commander in chief,” so-called.

The worry that Biden will crumple against Trump in a debate is ludicrous. Biden was taken aback when Kamala Harris came at him in what many believed was a sneak attack. You could see genuine hurt in his expression because he doesn’t see himself that way and it’s the last thing he expected from a dear friend of his son Beau. That had to have come as a shock. The instapundit analysis gave her points for stabbing him in the heart, but polls soon proved that she did more harm to herself that she did to him. If a highly respected woman like Kamala Harris can’t pull that off, then how can a dirtbag like Trump expect to smear Biden? He can’t. He can only do his stupid Trump thing and that won’t impress anyone but the 30% of voters who are as sick as Trump is. Dude’s a one trick pony, and his trick is rolling around in his own horseshit. Biden is an actual adult.

All Biden has to do is not get rattled, remember who HE IS and honestly, he’s a pro. He’s got this.

THREE) Republicans and Never Trumpers are going to show up at the polls to vote out Trump, along with every other American who is sick and tired of this blustering, lying, autocrat who is destroying our Democracy in real time.

As one commenter put it over at the New York Times, “Sleepy Joe Biden? Bring it on.” Hell, who among us is not sleepy? Kicking back and relaxing on a calm peaceful day will be a relief after the 24/7 Adderall nightmare we’ve all been living through. Fact is, Biden can draw votes from almost every faction of the electorate, except hardcore Trump supporters and die-hard Bernie supporters, because they live in a fantasy world of fake populism which — it must be said, and underlined and repeated — is much more about hating the “establishment,” feeling like outsiders and wanting to tear down rather than build up. Trump stole a lot of his act from Bernie in 2016. Trump who shits on a golden toilet is no populist. Never was, never will be. He’s a liar and a fake. But he saw that Bernie’s message was resonating. It crossed over with the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street and Drain the Swamp — gurus like Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer saw how to weave together those disparate strands of unrest. Now, Trump is sort of stuck as the Hitler-esque champion of the common man.

This is a guy who did a decade as a pretend “boss” on the Apprentice where he sat on a throne and barked out scripted orders to comical sycophants. He is no populist. He is no man of the people. It’s all a lot of hooey. By the same token, no socialist is going to inspire enough votes to get rid of Trump since Trump is basically Bernie without big government. No, they’ll turn out to vote against Bernie but the same people who are scared of Venezuelan socialism won’t have qualms about voting for Bernie — as we saw on Super Tuesday. Biden was the one who drew the record turnout.

Biden was so well-liked by John McCain that the two of them sat next to each other as pals, crossing the verboten border between left and right. Biden believes in balanced cooperation and not obstinate ultimatums. That definitely makes him someone the far-left progressives won’t find appealing, but moderates and a lot of Republicans will. That is a huge threat to Trump. He can call Biden sleepy, but he can’t call him a socialist.

FOUR) Biden is a genuinely religious man

Trump is fake religious. Bernie isn’t religious at all, and for better or worse (okay, worse) America is 70% Christian. You do the math. Biden can actually attend a sermon in a church and pray with the faithful. Instead of the way Trump fidgets in a pew like he’s ready to dodge lightning bolts. Biden will cite God in his speeches and you can feel the reverence in his demeanor. Trump can’t even be arsed to close his eyes when a pastor is praying. For him it’s nothing but an opportunistic photo op. Bernie Sanders, for whatever reason, wouldn’t be caught dead quoting scripture. He is that guy sitting on your dorm room bed when all you wanna do is go to sleep and he’s wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, drinking all of your wine, and lecturing you about socialism and atheism and the Bhagavad Gita. Hey, that might be a fun Saturday night for some but I’m not sure that’s going to fly with the broader electorate. Or the millions of voters who ride to the polls on church buses. You know, just saying.

If common decency is on the ballot as THE referendum against Trump, you can’t get more decent that Joe Biden.

FIVE) Biden’s Secret Weapons

Finally, Joe Biden has two secret weapons. The first, is his wife Jill, who is a teacher and would make a beloved, honorable First Lady. That is not a slam on Melania — I hate to blame her for Trump — but there is no question that America would love a First Lady they can once again respect, admire, and have as an example for our young people. Jill Biden is smart, kind, decent person and she is one of Biden’s strongest assets, not to mention the recent revelation of her own superpower — her split-second martial arts reaction to protect her husband against an unpredictable protester, which became a viral sensation.

Biden’s second secret weapon, and he is our superstar key player — and everyone knows this, is his pal, partner, and “brother” Barack Obama. Even though Obama did what he could for Hillary, there was only so much he could do. But imagine Obama on the campaign trail with Biden, along with the entire astonishing team of Democratic Avengers — Clyburn, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Harris, O’Rourke, Harris, Booker. And the other “capital D” Democrats coast to coast that will turn out to support their good friend Joe. Imagine the star power at the convention if it’s Biden.

So, yes, we know that Biden’s secret weapon will be Obama. Not only does Biden come endowed with his eight-year tour of duty as Biden’s wingman, directly involved with that historic presidency day in and day out, but Biden will be preserving and locking down his own legacy. That means working hard to urgently the rescue the environment, passing long-overdue legislation to prevent mass shootings, preserving and improving the ACA, strengthening support and protections for the LGBTQ community.

Of course, we know that Trump will pivot his attacks to Obama but good luck against the most popular President in history.

These five things make Joe Biden a threat to be reckoned with. And as obvious as they are to many of us, they are advantages that Twitter mobs really can’t get itheir mind around because Twitter doesn’t require its denizens to dwell in the real world. But those of us who see the best way forward have kept ourselves grounded in the cold hard realities of the political landscape. Trump does too. Predators are nothing if not alert to looming threats, and if we’re smart enough to make Biden our nominee, Trump knows he is about to be hit with a massive tsunami of a united Democratic Party unlike anything the modern world has ever seen.

He best be ready.



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