Thank you. Whenever I look back at 1972 I think — how could so many people have been THAT delusional about what America was at that time? McGovern was considered to be the man of the moment — and granted, it was a difficult democratic primary (like now) but still — that dramatic of a landslide win for Nixon? Every state except Mass? It reminds me of now — there is this bubble of delusion that is arguing FOR a candidate Trump can easily beat. Trump knows this. Though he is very sharp with strategy the one thing that is easy to see where his strategy is concerned is watching who he is attacking. He isn’t attacking Elizabeth Warren. He’s going right for Biden because he, unlike so many on the left who are eager to have a female president, knows only Biden can beat him. How we’ve all decided that Biden is not acceptable but Warren is — well, it’s a tragedy. That’s the only way to say it. And I don’t want to hear people try to convince me. Convincing ME isn’t the problem.