Open Letter to Mike Bloomberg

As a supporter and fan I’m asking you for a favor

Sasha Stone
3 min readMar 2, 2020

Unlike many on the Left, I am a Mike Bloomberg fan. I believe he is a great leader, a guy who has made actual progress against tough fights like climate change and education. I part ways with many in my party in presuming to judge his moral character. No one is perfect and yet, for whatever reason, we expect perfection. His Stop and Frisk policy, though ultimately a disaster for many in New York City did not start out with bad intentions. Rather, he believed he was helping vulnerable people in high crime areas to feel safer.

He has apologized for it, though it remains in place. It is a good reason not to support him if that is your reason. I would support him because I believe he is the one person who can take on climate change and have a great impact. But the thing is, he doesn’t have to be President to do that. He is running for President to save the world from Donald Trump. This is a noble effort and I admire him for doing it. But here’s the thing, his presence in the race is only helping Bernie Sanders by dividing up the vote with Biden.

Bloomberg got in the race once he saw Biden falter in the first two primaries. As an early Joe Biden supporter, I too have worried that he might not make it. After Iowa and New Hampshire things were not looking good. I thought that you Mike would be a great alternative to take on Donald Trump. I truly believe you could not only beat Trump but take the reins to lead this country in the direction it needs to go.

Given a different set of circumstances you could have been the man to do it, but the circumstances have changed. As things now stand, we have a situation where Joe Biden is one of the only two candidates who can win enough votes to become the nominee. If Biden doesn’t gather enough delegates during these next few crucial contests, then Bernie Sanders will be the nominee and that will hand the White House to Trump for four more years.

Four more years of bullying good people like you.
Four more years of calling the press the enemy of the people.
Four more years of treacherous and unchecked executive power.
Four more years of EPA rollbacks and a man who claims climate change is a hoax.
Four more years of lies, taunting tweets, abject and reckless cruelty.
Four more years of bowing to brutal schemes of foreign dictators.

Four more years of Trump would turn the United States into yet another country that is collapsing under the destructive forces of the extreme right. Steve Bannon’s America is where we’re headed. That is not what the majority of Americans want but because a guy like Bernie Sanders is leading a good many people right off the cliff, we can’t beat Trump unless you bow out — so your supporters can rally behind Joe Biden.

Please suspend your campaign and lend your impressive support to Joe Biden. Unlike Bernie Sanders, Biden will accept your generous offer of financial assistance. If you want Democrats to beat Trump, that’s how you do it. You can beat him, but you can’t do it alone. You beat him by helping us do it. You need us and we need you. Just please take your name off the ballot.

Signed, your admiring supporter.



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