Elizabeth Warren Reaches a New Level of Desperation with Non-Stop Attacks on Bloomberg

Sasha Stone
3 min readFeb 24, 2020


Elizabeth Warren, whose campaign is tanking big time, appears to see her biggest enemy as Michael Bloomberg. You know, the guy who did this in 2018?

She looked at him like he was a piece of garbage on the debate stage and even stooped so low as to make fun of his height, echoing Trump’s own idiotic nickname.

In this video she is calling Bloomberg “a threat.” That is game over for Democrats. Does she realize that? She is mirroring both Steve Bannon and Donald Trump? Probably Bloomberg isn’t going to get the nomination but he is offering support — support we desperately need — to help us defeat Trump. Why, because Bloomberg is strong on climate and he knows what the scientists know, that we can afford four years of Trump, not eight.

Warren appears to have no earthly knowledge of Bloomberg’s fight for democrats and for climate change. Worse, she doesn’t even care.

Warren is helping Trump. She is helping Trump and not helping herself. If she hurts Bloomberg, she helps Trump. Bloomberg is helping Democrats. Warren might not understand that Trump has a massive war chest heading into 2020. Democrats simply can’t match it. He’s nearing one billion in dark money, in addition to the hundreds of millions already in play.

From McKay Coppins’ story in the Atlantic called “The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President”:

Every presidential campaign sees its share of spin and misdirection, but this year’s contest promises to be different. In conversations with political strategists and other experts, a dystopian picture of the general election comes into view — one shaped by coordinated bot attacks, Potemkin local-news sites, micro-targeted fearmongering, and anonymous mass texting. Both parties will have these tools at their disposal. But in the hands of a president who lies constantly, who traffics in conspiracy theories, and who readily manipulates the levers of government for his own gain, their potential to wreak havoc is enormous.

The Trump campaign is planning to spend more than $1 billion, and it will be aided by a vast coalition of partisan media, outside political groups, and enterprising freelance operatives. These pro-Trump forces are poised to wage what could be the most extensive disinformation campaign in U.S. history. Whether or not it succeeds in reelecting the president, the wreckage it leaves behind could be irreparable.

The Democrats need all of the help they can get. They do not need Elizabeth Warren selling purity, echoing the fears laid out by Steve Bannon that Bloomberg is going to “buy” this election no matter who the nominee is. Fact is, we NEED HIS HELP.

Even if Bernie is the nominee — WE NEED HIS HELP.

Warren will lose the primary, but she is dead set on breaking things on the way out. Because of this and other bad judgment calls by her I am grateful she isn’t the one tasked with beating Trump. Bernie Sanders is bad enough in terms of mounting a challenge against Trump’s billion dollar campaign.

I URGE Warren to FOCUS her attention on Trump. If she did this, she would be helping the party to destroy someone who is BAD for this country. Bloomberg was not bad for New York and he’s not bad for this country.



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