Democrats are Too Easily Played by Trump — and No Match for His Team in 2020
Sally Kohn, who was Team Bernie all the way in 2016, but did eventually deign to support Hillary Clinton, who was always going to be the nominee, is out in force, along with a lot of other STUPID democrats who clearly see the 2020 election as ours to lose. Think again.
What part of Trump is so threatened by Biden he spent $10 million on a single ad isn’t translating? What part of white working class in the swing states and black voters in the south isn’t getting through? Is Sally Kohn THAT DUMB? She doesn’t seem dumb to me, and yet here she is, easily played, easily knocked down, and oh too easily ratfucked.
At this point, Trump has already won. He won even before he even tried because democrats hit Biden hard enough that eventually he dipped in the polls and is now led by Elizabeth Warren who will get the nomination. Trump is not hiding who he is. He is doing everything in plain sight and as usual, the DEMOCRATS ARE HELPING HIM.
Trump knew that he could fire James Comey because the democrats were attacking James Comey and he would put them in the uncomfortable position of having to defend a guy they were attacking. Trump is doing the same thing with Biden. He got an alleged felony sex offender on the supreme court and yet he knows all he has to do is flip a switch and the democrats will trash anyone not deemed pure and perfect by their standards, even if it means losing an election. Trump attacks Biden and the democrats go along with it, why, because it removes their ability to be pure. It really is only that. We are undone by it, and easily manipulated by it and will have a very hard time gaining any power because of it.
Is it too much to ask just once that we think strategically? Maybe they do want it to be Warren but I can promise you it has nothing to do with her ability to win. It has everything to do with how we want to define ourselves, how we can feel good about ourselves and Biden doesn’t make women like Sally Kohn feel good about herself. I’m sorry that just beating Trump isn’t enough.
I will happily eat crow if, by some miracle, Warren beats Trump but from where I sit the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years versus “big structural change” has a pretty easy-to-predict outcome. But if Trump wins, if he beats Warren in a decisive victory, I will be running the bases and never letting Sally Kohn and others forget that they helped Trump win.