Attacks on Biden Continue to Backfire — That Will Help Him Against Donald Trump
Democrats continue to get things wrong when analyzing the democratic primary. They say: you can’t listen to polls because they were wrong in 2016. They weren’t wrong if you knew how to read them. The end result of the election reflected the national polling average. Hilllary Clinton won a majority. It was the Electoral Victory — a complete and total sham — that won Trump the presidency and if you looked closely at the swing states in a four way race with Jill Stein and Gary Johnson folded in you could see a Trump victory. They had a clear, albeit narrow, path — the democrats didn’t. They mistakenly looked at the national average.
Ironically, the only state that didn’t show wiggle room leading up to the election was Wisconsin which, for whatever reason, is the state always brought up when criticizing Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The truth is that the Clinton campaign, the press and the democrats overall did not believe Trump could win and thus, did not play the game that way. Democrats are still acting that way now, believing they will have an easy win over Trump. But no, just as in 2016 it will be the GOP’s to lose.
The other thing they continue to get wrong is this idea of “if Biden can’t handle Julian Castro or Kamala Harris how can he handle Trump?” Well, if you notice, those attacks against Biden backfired. They only seemed to RAISE Biden’s polling numbers, not weaken them. That is what makes him such a good candidate against Trump, even with all of his weaknesses, even though he doesn’t “inspire” the progressive left. Even if he has made mistakes in his past. Even WITH HIS GAFFES. Biden is teflon. And Trump won’t know what to do with that.
For once, the tables will be turned. Instead of Trump rope-a-doping Hillary or the left on Twitter or Jeb Bush or Little Marco or anyone whose feathers get ruffled really easily (which is catnip for Trump) he’ll get a guy like Biden who can’t be knocked down. Worse, people FEEL SORRY for him when others attack him. It remains a tactical error to be a democrat attacking him. It only makes them look bad. Why, because people like Joe Biden. They just do.
If you want to beat Joe Biden you have to outshine him, not attack him. Neither Bernie Sanders nor Elizabeth Warren are attacking Biden — that helps them make their case without it turning into a petty squabble. Trump will deal with all three of them differently.
— With Joe Biden he will do what he did with Bernie in 2016 because he wanted (and got) many of Bernie voters. He will portray Biden as “sad” and “tired” and “poor Joe, he tries…” It’s an effective strategy. He knows if he attacks him directly Biden will look like a bigger threat than Trump believes he is (He is actually Trump’s biggest threat, if the democrats only knew what they had — but they don’t).
— With Bernie Sanders, Bernie will no longer be “tired Bernie” and “exhausted Bernie” he will be “socialist Bernie” and a much bigger threat.
— With Elizabeth Warren it will be really easy for Trump. He simply will get under her skin and act like the bad behaving elementary school teacher who gets the better of his teacher.
Joe Biden remains the best bet. But he likely will get taken down by his own party, remarkably.
Remember, 2020 is not like 2016 and it isn’t like 2008. It is an election that is Trump’s to lose. A one term president with a great economy does not lose. What might make him lose? A swap for Biden. Not reinventing the wheel. Just a swap. If we go for “big structural change” that counts on raising taxes during a time of a good economy? Um.