Appreciate this but it doesn't help the case that there are assumed truths in this piece that just isn't true. Social media discourages truth -- and Medium is just a larger social platform. It encourages likes. Your piece is likewise virtue signaling because it has to. You won't get the likes otherwise. How did we lie to ourselves about our COVID fear and then our abandoning all of that to protest in all 50 states with careless use of social distancing? Oh because we WORE masks. None of that other stuff matters because masks will protect you completely (they won't). MOSTLY peaceful protests we were all forced to say and believe. MOSTLY. Lies we tell ourselves to pretend we're the GOOD GUYS on the left are the truly unforgivable ones to me because they reveal a greater truth: that we're often full of shit, virtue signaling for the likes, thinking WE are the good guys. I did not get from your piece that you agree. Your piece still indicates that you are somehow on the right side of the truth -- but I hate to break it to you, you can't be, not if you are writing on any social media platform You are telling people what they want to hear for the likes.